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Dr. Prabhu Karunakaran

Consultant Pediatric Urologist in Hyderabad

Dr. Prabhu Karunakaran

Consultant Pediatric Urologist in Hyderabad

Blog Post

Pediatric Lithotripsy Mastery: Safeguarding Against Complications

March 12, 2024 Uncategorized
Pediatric Lithotripsy Mastery: Safeguarding Against Complications

Delivered a talk on How to avoid complications in Pediatric lithotripsies as National faculty at PESICON held at Agra India from 8th to 10th March

Dr Prabhu Karunakaran delivered a talk relevant to Pediatric lithotripsy complications- discussing how to avoid complications when treating children with kidney stones and performing the procedures safely in children.

Also describing all modalities of treatments of stones in children elaborately could help colleagues to understand how to avoid complications in treating children with stones

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